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Alcohol and drugs policy

Nordcarrier Group - "Alcohol and Drug Policy"

Alcohol and drugs policy

This alcohol and drug policy applies to all companies in the Nordcarrier Group; Nordcarrier A/S, Nordcarrier Scandinavia A/S, NC Scandinavia A/S, Nordcarrier Continent A/S, Nordcarrier East A/S and Nordcarrier Air&Sea A/S. The Group will hereafter be referred to as Nordcarrier.

As a general rule, alcohol, drugs and intoxicants are not permitted during working hours at Nordcarrier. Exceptions to this rule are that alcohol may be served and enjoyed on special occasions; anniversaries, birthdays and receptions.

It is also permitted for Nordcarrier office employees to enjoy a single "Friday beer" on Fridays between 15.00-16.30.

It is crucial for Nordcarrier to avoid accidents and ensure that the company can meet customer demands for quality and delivery performance.

All subcontractors and drivers must therefore accept the company's alcohol and drug policy and agree that management may carry out an alcohol test if they suspect that an employee is under the influence of alcohol during working hours.

In order to prevent alcohol and drug problems, all employees are informed of Nordcarrier's policy in this area upon recruitment, at staff meetings and in the company's staff handbook. We encourage all employees to contribute with openness and dialog on the subject so that we can jointly remedy any problems that arise as soon as possible.

Nordcarrier has a contingency plan for dealing with alcohol problems among employees. It is Nordcarrier's position that an employee's abuse should not lead to dismissal before an attempt has been made to stop the abuse.

Henrik Mikkelsen, Peter Kristiansen and Anders Harrild are key workers in providing help to employees with alcohol, drug or substance abuse problems. All employees can confidently turn to one of the three key workers in case of substance abuse problems.

Henrik, Peter or Anders can, in addition to offering help to the employee, inform the employee of the consequences the abuse can have if the help doesn't work. Nordcarrier can decide to offer employee loans to employees who have such serious problems that costly treatment is deemed necessary.
